Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Weekend of Love

John 15:9 (New International Version)

9"As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love...

The love God shows me was evident yesterday in the passages in scripture talking about real love.

The real love that can only be experienced by having an intimate relationship with God.

The real love that can only be felt by having a connection to the person of Jesus.

The real love that can only be given if I have the power of the Holy Spirit within me.

One of the things I am learning the most on this journey in life is the power of love. It is not some junior high school love, but a deep love for others not based on emotion. Emotion is very important in a relationship but it is only one of the components of real love. Real love transcends emotion. Emotion can only be sustained for short periods of time and fades quickly. Real love needs to transect the time between emotion and lack of emotion. This is the place where God will fill my heart with his love. It is always there but in my humanness, the emotional part of love is strong and I might miss the real love of God and his spirit. I have been more on the lookout for real love. The love that can only come from God...every thing else will fade. I do see the love of God in people and I see the Spirit of God when I look people in the eyes. But the real love I need has to come from God and the rest will be filled by the people who are important to me and really care about me. The people near and far who have experienced the real love of God will be there when times are good AND when the depths of my soul needs filling. They are an encouragement to me to look for the real love and not the temporal love I always seek.

Today I seek my true love.

The love that God has for me regardless of the circumstances or issues.

I seek the true love Jesus showed for me by saving me on the cross.

I seek the true love I can only give if the Holy Spirit is in me.

Lord , your love is amazing. It is even move amazing that you give me your love even though I don't deserve it some times.

Your love is the real love I seek and the real love I seek to give.

God is seeking me on this day of worship to show me his AMAZING LOVE while the Adventure in Middle Grove continues...

Amazing Love- How can it be

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