Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Finding Yourself?

I know, O LORD, that a man's life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps.
-- Jeremiah 10:23

Much is said today about "finding yourself" in modern culture and psychology. While we may have goals and a sense of mission about our lives, our lives are not really ours to plan. Scripture clearly tells us to "lose ourselves." Without losing ourselves, we cannot experience the real love of God and the enormity for what he has done for use even though we do not deserve one thing!

Every day must be greeted as a gift from God.

Every goal
must ultimately be pursued to his glory.

Every true sense of direction is a gift to us from our Father's Word or his Spirit.

There are many references on trying to direct my steps but, with God, guiding my feet as my steps will be pointed in the right direction. I never know the direction where God will lead me or the people he will put in my path but I know he is there directing my every step.

Wise and loving Father, lead me by your Holy Spirit. Fill me with your holy wisdom. Guide me into a more complete understanding of your will for my life. Please give me the wisdom to live each day with character and holy grace as you direct my steps while on the Adventure in Middle Grove.

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