Saturday, September 5, 2009

...There is Always Hope

"Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying."

Romans 12:12, NLT

This is a nice verse but how do I live this out? Yesterday I talked about the stars in the skies and how could the God of the universe care about me. ...or more importantly, why would he care about me?

Well, I answered my own question.

I can number the people on the earth but I cannot even fathom the number of stars and galaxies existing in the universe. If the God who created the universe could care about the stars, then certainly he can care about me.

My hope needs to be built on the confidence of the God of the universe and not on my meager existence and who I think I am or what can I do.

In Job, there are many great verses.This is one of my favorites.

18 Having hope will give you courage.
You will be protected and will rest in safety.

These two verses give me great comfort in the hope I have in God




HOPE gives me REST

Lord, my hope is confident in you today as you protect me and give me courage on the Adventure in Middle Grove.

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