Tuesday, September 15, 2009

In the beginning

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Genesis 1:1

Stars glowed last night as Friendly reminders of God's presence

Last night was, again, one of the rare fall nights. The air was completely still and thick with humidity. The sky was crystal clear and the stars had a brightness I have not seen all summer.

The western and northern sky at my house are completely black. If you look at a satellite view, there is nothing between me and the stars.

As I stood out in the night sky, I again reflected on the greatness of God and how he created the heavens and the earth but he also created me and knows me. He cares about me just as he cares about the birds in the air.

Last week, The Hubble Telescope sent back some of the most amazing pictures of space and stars. It is in the greatness of the universe I see the significance of who I am before God.

He cares about me as much as the stars and the heavens today on the Adventure in Middle Grove

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