Sunday, August 23, 2009


Today is a special day!

This Summer has been fantastic with old and new people


Last year I make a commitment to looking at "me" but not from a "me"standpoint. I wanted to look at me for who I was before my friends and before God. I wanted to look at my friends and relationships in life and how I could improve who I was before them.

I looked at people on the "50"

I looked at the "Gift of being yourself"

I looked at things lost and things gained

I looked at old friends and some new friends who who were there for anything

I looked at relationships and what was good and bad

I looked at what I can do for my friends

I looked in the mirror and saw the reflection of not who I think I am but who I am before the eyes of God.

I gained confidence in not me but in what God is doing for me.

I learned I REALLY love hockey and made a mistake last year. Thanks MAW!

I learned I have an amazing capacity to love that was missing in my life. I also learned I have an amazing capacity to be love!

I learned how important how people are to me and how surrounding myself with great friends was a life saving move. Not just people who agree with me all the time, but people who are honest and loving.

Most of all I learn how much God loves me and takes care of me no matter what the circumstances.

I learned about me but more importantly I learn about the relationships in life, new and old.

Lord, continue to work in me, but not for me, but for my friends that I would be there for them just as they continue to be there for me on the 2nd year on the Adventure in Middle Grove


Let me know you thoughts. Does this do anything for you? Do you want to continue to receive this? Has it made any difference? Any thoughts are appreciated. Send your thoughts and ideas to

Thank you for your friendship!

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