Friday, August 21, 2009

Real Friendship

Lots of people claim to be loyal and loving, but where on earth can you find one?

Proverbs 20:6 (The Message)

What does it mean to be loyal?

Loyal - firm: unwavering in devotion to friend

One of the things I learned in the past year is what friends are all about. Many people claim to have friends but it is amazing how fast they "head to the hills" in time of trouble.

Someone who is a loyal friend is not someone who agrees with me all the time. It is someone who can lovingly tell me what I need to hear and stay by my side.

The are not "drive by" friends. Quick to criticize and drive off in a peel out of hate.

No, What I am talking about is friends who laugh, cry, grieve, hug, love, listen, and give good advice out of love.

I learned alot about friends this summer. People who unconditionally love and care. I learned about relationships and what is important. Just when I needed it, friends were sent to help me find out more about me to help me find out more about them.

Lord, let me learn from my friends about love and loyalty as the path takes another jog on the Adventure in Middle Grove.

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