Saturday, August 8, 2009

Help! I can't see!

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Matthew 6:34, New International Version

Wow! how this is so true. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Aot of it I make for myself!

As I meditate these words of Jesus, I must recognize that worry and planning ahead are different things.

Jesus said that is is unreasonable not to do some essential planning. (Luke 14:28-31)

Still, I have battled worry at points in my life.

I go to bed with that nagging concern about what will happen "tomorrow." (Clearly Jesus is referring to worrying about what will happen in the future and not just literally tomorrow.)

It may be a conflict that troubles us.

It may be a mess at the office that must be confronted.

It may be facing someone who has hurt us.

It may be that financial doubt about paying bills.

It may be in close relationships.

Jesus wants me to let go of our anxiety.

I must live in the present moment.

There are too many opportunities I could miss today by worrying about what might happen tomorrow.

The Lord could come between now and tomorrow and all my worry would have been stupid.

The Lord may be at work in the situation during today, in ways I cannot not comprehend, and my problems are not as insurmountable as they seem today.If the bad thing were to happen, my worry will have needlessly stolen the joy out of today.Let be me sure I fill up with
priorities of today, then I can deal with tomorrow’s mess when, and if, it ever comes.

Hebrew 11:1 says be certain about the things we cannot see

Almighty and great God, I believe tomorrow is in your hands, so I will rest myself in your grace today as I seek to live for you. Please open my eyes to see the opportunities you provide today so can face tomorrow with focus, courage, and clarity on the Adventure in Middle Grove.

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