Monday, June 1, 2009

Significant Other

"Come to me all you people that are tired and have heavy
burdens. I will give you rest."

Matthew 11:28 (ERV)






This is me sometimes!

There are times when the limits of my mortality overwhelm my intentions, commitments, and abilities. In my quest for significance, I chase so many things.

I miss the point.

But there is only one true quest for significance:

I must surrender my burdens to Jesus and trust him to supply my significance.

Why is it so hard for me some times ...

Why is it so hard to put down my burdens and come to him?

Don't miss the point!

Lord , you are my beyond comprehension many times. But since you came to the world in Jesus, I come to him to find you. Please help me know you as I come to Jesus for rest on the path while on the Adventure in Middle Grove.

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