Monday, March 2, 2009

God's Promises- Strength Coach for Heaven

2 Thessalonians 3:

But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.

OK, I have to admit it. I over did the exercising over the last week. I really love going to the YMCA. I even like it better when I can go with someone and we can do a few things together and do a few exercises by ourselve
s. I am in good shape but this week my bones were aching so going to the Y was just what I needed.

There is nothing like getting totally exhausted from exercising on the Elliptical for 45 minutes and feel better in about 10 minutes. That, for me is the best part of exercise, I can see how fast I recover. If I recover
slow, I really not in good shape.

The one thing about exercise is the benefit is long term
but it cannot be stopped. I can't get in the best shape I have ever been in and say, "OK, that is enough exercise for life"

It has to be sustainable and methodical. It also has to be varied and interesting. If I said I was going to get myself in shape and I was only going to do sit ups and push ups, it would not last long since this is about the most boring thing I can image doing for a long period of time.

There needs to be a challenge and some fun in order to keep an exercise program going over the long haul. Habits need to be changed and new habits need to be formed for a successful exercise program to last.

Well, I did have a point to all this...

God says he will strengthen me and protect me. This is not a passive program where I sit in my easy chair waiting for God to protect me. He does not put a force field around me so the bad things of this life bounce off and go away.

He protects me and strengths me if I follow him and his leading and his direction. I cannot go it alone. I need him to be there with me but I also need to continue to do the things to be in sync with what God wants me to do. I need to be close to him so he can move me and work in my heart on a daily basis to continually strengthen me for the long haul. I need to be immersed in His Spirit. I need Him to show me the plan for sustaining me for a life time.

Lord, as this week begins, let you Spirit work in me as I seek your will and guidance.

Strengthen me and protect me while I "exercise" on the Adventure in Middle Grove.

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