Monday, March 9, 2009


The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.
-- Numbers 6:24-26

For the past few weeks, I have looked at God's promises. There are MANY more but I wanted to look closely at God's promises and how they impact my life on earth while they prepare me for a life in eternity. My Christian walk should be one of obedience but not out of fear or legalism but out of immense love for God because of what he does for me and what he will do for me in the future. His promises are a great testimony of what he did for his people long ago and how faithful he was to his people while they struggled in the old testament. The struggle continues but so does the faithfulness of the God who created the universe. This leads me to a respite from the promises of God but on a note offering something no one else can offer.

A Blessing and Peace and how we can share this with others

I would like to place the name of the LORD on people I love. God promised this blessing in today's Scripture in his name (his power and authority) to be placed on his people. What an incredible gift I have to give to others with just my faithful words! Blessings are found all throughout Scripture. I need to look more for ways to pronounce God's blessing on others.
Today, I want to start with this one as the people I love receive God's blessing and his peace. I pray particularly for those I love where relationships need healing, grace and mercy.

LORD of every good and perfect gift, your blessings are too many to count and too wonderful to fully comprehend. Please use me to share those blessings with others. Give me eyes to see and ears to hear so that I can share your blessings with others today and each day on the Adventure in Middle Grove!

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