Friday, April 24, 2009

In Who Do I Trust?

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will direct your paths."

Proverbs 3: 5 & 6

I have heard alot about trust lately. I have written about this before but it continues to be something I hear in the news and in my personal life.

Trust is defined as "reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing."

I can emotionally love someone, but not trust them. I can trust them, but not emotionally love them. When I trust a person, I believe they have my best interest at heart. They wouldn't do something to hurt me for the fun of it, or for selfish gain. I rely on them.

In God I Trust...

In a personal situation, I earn a person's trust by consistently proving myself to them. I show them I will not use them or take advantage of them. I will not abuse their love or their generosity. I will think of them before acting.

In God I Trust...

Re-earning a person's trust is done in the same way, except it take a much longer period of time. People are very different as to how easily they'll trust others -- some have been seriously hurt in the past and hesitate to trust again. Others are very "trusting," even of those who don't deserve their trust. No matter the individual, I earn and re-earn people's trusts through reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc.

In God I Trust...

I prove that I am trustworthy by my deeds.

Forgiveness must be a part of trust too.

In God I Trust...

Trusting in God is much easier. God has an amazing ability to forgive and I believe this a big part of trust. Unless I am perfect, I will sin again. I need to go before God daily and ask him to forgive me and continue to mold me an make me in his image.

Trust is an important part of my relationship with God and others.

Lord, let me put my trust in you as I bow down at your feet and ask for forgiveness in my relationships near and far as we walk together along the path on the Adventure in Middle Grove.

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