Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Day the Earth Stood Still


"Take a guard," Pilate answered. "Go, make the tomb as secure as you know how." 66So they went and made the tomb secure by putting a seal on the stone and posting the guard.

Today is the day between death and life.

One of my favorite movies is the "The Day the Earth Stood Still" In this 1951 movie, a space ship lands on the lawn of the Capital grounds. If you have been there, you will notice how small the trees are around the monuments. The movie is about an alien who comes to earth to seek peace. When the world does not want peace, he stops the world for all to see the power and mastery over all things on the earth.

Everything stops so the focus in on Klaatu as he demands the nations of the world get together to talk about peace.

This movie was controversial due to the parallels of Christ and the censors made the editor take out and change a few lines of the movie.

Today is certainly a day where the earth stood still when Christ was dead and buried.

I am sure even the most devote followers we distraught and fearful in the face of uncertainty and loss of their leader and savior.

A loss that cannot be comprehended.

A loss that can only be felt on a personal level to be fully understood.

"Standing in the hospital room, it was now certain that Rick was not going to live and a decision needed to be made as to what to do. Julie and I prayed with our new friends and it was evident we needed to take Rick off of life support and we would be there. As the machines were unhooked, Julie and I stood hand in hand holding on to Rick's hand as we felt the life leave him and he was no longer alive. The pain and sorrow was unbearable. The loving touch of Julie soothed my soul as my only son was no longer here.Julie's words and a kiss did much to reassure me that God was in control and he would be glorified by this event"

This is the loss the followers of Jesus felt and the uncertainty of the future for them. Life was over as they knew it.

Jesus said all these things about coming back.




They knew what he said, but waited for what he would do;

If he would do it at all.

This was the DAY the EARTH STOOD STILL

The grief

The sorrow

The Pain

The Loss

A day where the strength of belief would be tested and unexpected was still waiting.

Lord, as I reflect on the events of this day in history. I feel the pain all over again of my loss of my son. I know the loss of your son grieved you too. It was a time of great agony and could have been the beginning of great defeat. But you are a God of grace and compassion and I feel your breath of your Spirit today as the day stands still on the Adventure in Middle Grove.

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