Friday, December 26, 2008

A Small Step for Man

As this post Christmas time begins and we rapidly move towards  2009, the talk of  New Years Resolutions start to take over. A big deal is made of carefully picking the right resolution to start working on something that will better me or make me a different person. Unfortunately, many resolutions are weak attempts to try to do things on my own or half hearted attempts to prove I can do something on my own. This is not the right attitude or the right method for making lasting, positive change. I have been learning a great deal about this aspect of my life and how my reliance on God was at best weak as I timidly sought him to change some things about me that I did not like.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight (Proverbs 3:5-6 TNIV).

Progress and positive change takes time.

I've been there.

Maybe you are there. You are convicted that a change needs to occur and you take the initial steps that produce a sense of exhilaration about what lies ahead, then progress slows. You begin to feel frustrated, you get impatient, and before long you begin to question the need for change.

I've been there.

When that happens, here's a simple principle that might be helpful.

Remember: A small step is still a step.

Here's what I mean.

You know you need to lose weight. Notice that some of your clothes are a bit snug, but assume the clothes were left in the dryer too long.Your doctor gently reminds you, "You gotta lose some weight!" You agree and confidently say, "I'm going to do it!" You set your goal. You buy new exercise clothes and shoes. You pick a place and a time and start running. You run about half a block when you realize that you are out of breath and ever muscle in your body hurts. You think you are going to die right there. You question your sanity. You want to quit.

I've been there.

You have a relationship that is hurting and needs REAL attention, not the superficial attempts of the past. Real positive change must happen to keep the relationship alive and move to the next level of intimacy and trust.

I've been there.

You decide the best thing for your career is to go back to school and finish your education or change jobs or careers. You doubt whether you'll ever finish or get a new job. You think about dropping out or stop looking. Discouragement sets in and self-doubt takes over about who you are and can you ever change.

I've been there.

Someone you love has died. The holidays are here. You are not sure what you are supposed to feel. You are still not sure what you are supposed to do. All that you know is that there is an ache in your soul that will not go away. Nothing you do makes the pain any less. You pray for strength, you get out of bed and somehow you make it through the day.

I've been there.

A group of people agree that something has to change about worship and church. One more Sunday of the same old stuff is not acceptable. Dreams of what could be are shared. Plans are made. Decisions are made. Is this what the Lord wants. You entertain the thought of going back to the way it was.

I've been there.

When Jesus was beginning His ministry and preparing for the coming of the Kingdom, He selected a small group of men and challenged them to take one step: "Follow me." They did. The world was changed. Our faith walk begins with a step of faith: "I believe." We are not sure what all is involved or what it means, but we are willing to take the small step in faith. Without that small step, nothing changes.

I am facing many crossroads in my life. I wonder if the dreams I have will ever be possible, if it is worth the effort, Do I even want to continue the pursuit?

I've been there.

Lord,You have been there too!

I Trust in the LORD with all my heart
I will lean not on my own understanding;
I will submit all my ways to you,

You will make my paths straight

I've been there.

Take me there again, Lord, As I trust in you

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