Sunday, December 14, 2008

Direction of Unity Part 3

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Colossians 3:17, New International Version

If I am able to do things without vain conceit or selfish ambition and consider others better than myself, this is the parallel step as I really look to the Lord on how to continue my adventure.

Scripture has some really good words like "Do nothing" or in this case, "whatever you do"
They are words that meet the human condition in our depravity. They meet my heart and how evil it can be. God put these words in his book for me as I walk here on the earth for instruction and direction. There is not room for "what about this" or "what if I do this."

The verse says in word and deed. This covers our thoughts and our actions. No "what ifs!"

I am also to do it not for me, but in the name of the Lord. This takes away any credit I may desire. It puts the focus in the right place and gives God the credit, not me.

Wow, this seems so easy...

I hope I really get it now. God opens my eyes during my walk with him and "meets and greets us" with challenges and suffering. He doesn't say do these things in scripture only when you feel good. This is not about how I feel but about the graciousness God shows me as a sinner and how he demonstrates his grace and mercy every day.

Father I give you thanks for allow me the opportunity to serve you in a way that gives you all the honor.

Let me serve with humility and grace.

Thank you for loving me!

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