Friday, May 1, 2009

The Inverse of the Verse

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.

Philippians 4:8

Last night I had a very personal experience that should have driven me to the inverse of the verse mentioned in today's rambling.

Here are the antonyms for the great wisdom in today's thought.

True---------- false

Noble ------- unprincipled

Right--------- wrong

Pure---------- tainted

Lovely-------- ugly

Admirable--- unworthy

Excellent----- poor

Praiseworthy- blameworthy

I was close to the antonyms last night....pretty bad stuff;

I was close to the evil that lurks right around the corner of my soul;

I was close to words that would have not honored my commitment to LOVE;


He grabbed my heart and and rapidly drew me to his words and his wisdom.

He got my mind out of the gutter of humanity and turned my heart towards His glory.

Righteous and Holy God, you are marvelous and glorious, perfect in every way and beyond my comprehension. Please awaken the character of your holiness within me by your Holy Spirit. Please help me see and focus upon the good and glorious things you place in my path today and each day that you give me life on the Adventure in Middle Grove.

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