Saturday, May 30, 2009

Volunteer Fire Company

6So seek God and live! You don't want to end up
with nothing to show for your life
But a pile of ashes, a house burned to the ground.
For God will send just such a fire,
and the firefighters will show up too late.

Amos 5: 6

When living in a a rural area like I do, there are constant reminders about fire protection and the ability for a fire company to get to the house if there was a fire.

Most of the companies in my area are volunteer companies. Men and women who are trained to fight fires and have all the proper equipment. The only difference is they come to the fire if they are available. If they work too far away, they are not available during the day. It is a best effort basis when a fire occurs.

No one is told to come.

This is why I have a real understanding of the verse in Amos.

You don't want to end up with nothing to show for your life
But a pile of ashes, a house burned to the ground.

Here is a case where not relying on God and his wisdom would result in a day when all the volunteers who need to put out the fire decide they are not going out today and may get to the fire.

This reference in Amos is quite an analogy since many have seen the recent devastation of the California wild fires. When the people are allowed to go back and see what happened, there is nothing left but a few pieces of metal from their appliances.


but a pile of ashes.

So seek God and live! is God's answer

I am to look at each day as a new day to look to God and seek him in a new way every day.

The results of not seeking God are as devastating as the house burned to the ground. He will send the fire and all the firemen will be on vacation.

It will be too late.

Nothing but a pile of ashes.

Nothing else living.

So on this day, Lord, show me your wisdom, guide me with your spirit, touch me with your hand of grace and mercy. Today, I desire to seek you for a fuller life. Not a life of opulence or wealth but a life continually seeking you on the Adventure in Middle Grove.

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