Friday, May 22, 2009

The REAL Memorial Day

 [T]hose who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.

Romans 8:14

Over the past few months I have been blessed to read a number of Scriptures that speak of the Spirit's work in my life. This weekend we celebrate "Memorial Day" Not only will I celebrate it in a tradition sense but will celebrate it for what God has done in the lives of all the people before me who allow me to keep my faith in this country.

I am God's "son," his child with full inheritance rights. I have not only been given grace, but I live as his child and enjoy the blessings of his eternal family.

Lord, may your name be recognized as holy in my life as your child. May your will and your reign be known in my life. Father, I am confident that you will give me today, the food that I need and I thank you.

Please forgive me of my sin as I commit to be forgiving to those who sin against me. You are glorious, dear Father. Your Kingdom is eternal and is the goal of my heart. Your power is my source of strength. I love you, dear Father this day as I remember what was done long before, for me, on this Adventure in Middle Grove

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