Monday, November 3, 2008


My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?

Psalm 42

The Psalmist asked an obvious question here that sounds like we should ponder the answer. In looking at the first part of the sentence, My Soul thirsts... Where do I go to if I am thirsty? I go right to the source of water to get a drink. So where do I go if my soul is thirsty for the living God?

Nowhere and everywhere.

God is with us in when we are sleeping. He is with us when we are awake.

God is with us.

If I acknowledge I need him.

I need you Lord in the dark of the night and the dawn of the day. Draw me near as the person who is very thirsty for you as you are the giver of life and the thirst for the soul.

May I be really thirst today as the week begins with you. Let me live with you, draw me to the source of life!

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