Sunday, November 16, 2008

Time for a Move?

The holidays bring us memories of not just the holidays but memories of things that did not go so well or relationships that  are still not mended in our families and friends

In Exodus, go to the scene just before the dramatic crossing of the Red Sea. The Egyptian enemies are close on the heels of the Israelites, who take this opportunity to whine to Moses about being stuck out into the desert to die when they could have just as easily died in Egypt. Moses gives an inspiring speech concluding with:

"The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still" (Exodus 14:14 NIV).

This is a good since it is a struggle to remain still and let the Lord fight instead of trying to dig out of the messes I make. You need to keep reading in Exodus 14. Evidently, the Lord was not quite as inspired by Moses' words as me. The very next verse says, "The Lord said to Moses,

'Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on."

I love that. Sometimes I just need to move on -- the Lord says so Himself.

Need to apologize to someone? Apologize. Move on.

Need to forgive someone? Forgive. Move on.

Just move on.

As Christians, wear the name of the One who set us free from bitterness, fear, and anger, but often we live like we don't wear the very name of Christ, a name defined by selfless love and forgiveness.

There are times to let the Lord fight for you and be still, but there
are times when the Lord says "Quit whining and MOVE ON." This can be a season for change.



Let go.

Move on.


let me be a person of forgiveness and help me to move on with your grace, mercy and love

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