Monday, November 17, 2008


And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.
-- 2 Corinthians 11:

While I wait for God's great victory to be complete, I also need to know that I am in a battle. God will win this battle through Jesus Christ. The final outcome is certain.

Christ has already won the war.

However, I cannot be fooled; the evil one will do everything he can to deceive all people and confuse the lost. I need to follow God's plan -- living his truth, listening for his voice in Scripture, and following the lead of his Spirit. Things that look good and enticing, may be the very things that will ruin my life and take me places I do not want to go. The struggles of this life are there to develop our character so I rely on God's spirit to guide us and show us the way. If I rely on my own merits and strength, we will listen to a truth, but not the truth that leads me from temptation and evil. Let God's spirit lead me from temptation and follow God's plan, not my plan.

LORD, please give me the ability to discern truth and resist the deception of Satan. Please empower me by your Spirit as I seek to live victoriously for you.

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