Saturday, November 22, 2008

Leaning in the wrong direction

Proverbs 3:5-6 (The Message)

Trust God from the bottom of your heart;
don't try to figure out everything on your own

( or as other translations say lean on your own understanding)

figure it out is better for me!

God continues to lead me and teach me in ways I cannot fathom and why does he even bother with me! This weekend I am in NYC visiting the 3 homes of Radical Hospitality. I have always been interested in the "Community of the Saints" and how this is worked out here in our earthly domain. Living in community brings out the best of what God has to offer and the junk that we do not want anyone to know about. Just like life!

I drove to NYC to take a needed van to the race track and Cate graciously found her way to Brooklyn. I had a good visit with some of the people who were around and saw the beautiful little girl of Jason and Venetta.

I then went back to the guest house and was ready to do some reading to finish the night.

I forgot my glasses!

Oh not, I must have another pair. Let me check my pack. No, let me check my bag, No.

I do not have any extra glasses!

I cannot fix this.......

What am I going to do!

God intervened, as usually.

Rick, you lean too much on your own understanding to try to fix things, I know that God teaches me every day. I need it every day. I let the sin of my understanding get in the way of your wisdom. So here I am at 12:30 AM, looking for my glasses and leaning on my own understanding. POW! right in the face. I could not do it on my own. I could not will myself to read. I could not wiggle my eyes so I could read anything.


God brought me to my knees again. I am going to need to get knee protectors! He told me, Rick, you cannot read without your glasses, just like you cannot live without me. You cannot fix your eyes just like you cannot be lead in the right direction, without me. You cannot make something happen on your own.


Pray for WISDOM, and a changing of the heart

My understanding is not certain and is limited, so don't LEAN on it. It does become clearer and clearer, though.

I see as through a dark, hazy glass, but I will see God face to face!

If I lean on my understanding, I can become wayward against God .

My understanding becomes screwed, like when I explain things away, excuse them away, and get it wrong or hurt someone.

If I lean more of God and His understanding and if I have a humbleness before God, then He can show me many blessing that I would not otherwise know at all!

I know I lean on my own understanding out of pride and also out of worry. The opposite is
humbleness and trust.

They lead to the truth much faster!

Lord, let me lean on you as you continue to whack me on the side of the head and keep me leaning in the right direction.

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