Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Circumstantial Evidence

I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.

Philippians 4:11

Circumstantial Evidence

Can we skip this verse? This is something I learn more about each day. This is an area where I continually need to be shaped by God and challenged by His people

The sources of contentment come from places and people who can soothe the soul. Contentment comes from the safety I find in God and the people who surround me who love him too. Contentment from money, pride, success, and power is short lived and does not produce the same results as the contentment derived from God and his people. I have experienced the false contentment in things and goals but have really experienced the contentment in the past year from the true source of contentment. The contentment that comes from the confidence I have in God and the look in to the eyes of the soul of people who really care for me and know they are there for me.

Paul tells Timothy that one of life's greatest treasures is to find contentment the areas where the contentment is long term. With this treasure, my physical and emotional circumstances become far less important to me than the character I display in those circumstances. My bottom line is less important than loving God from the bottom of my heart and loving those around me. Those who are wealthy or powerful and show godliness, a very difficult challenge according to Jesus, are those who have demonstrated that they are content to be godly and will be that kind of person with or without wealth. Those who are poor and are godly have demonstrated the same ability.

Contentment is not wealth or power but is the richness I have in grace! It is the contentment in the people who surround me who love and care for me as fellow believers.

Faithful Father, still my restless and weary heart and help me find my contentment in your presence and character in my life as the Adventure in Middle Grove continues.

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