Friday, October 2, 2009

Another Shot in Life

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.

Hebrews 10:23

Last night I had one of my hockey nights. As I approach another birthday, I am continually reminded that my body does not work like it did 20 years ago.I am in great shape and I play goal with people much younger than me.

Alright, this is somewhat insignificant but you might get the idea. Playing goal in a pick up league means I do not get any rest. I play for 1:30 minutes, no stop. All the other players get to change when they are tired. I have to stay there , in goal. There are no subs or between period rests. I have to take shot after shot.

Just like life...

There are no subs and you don't know what happens next...

Just like playing goal!

Al you need to do is to get up, shake it off and get ready for what is next,

If I did not have hope that I was going to stop the next shot, I would quit playing. No matter how bad it gets, I have hope that the next shot will be a save,

Just like Life.

Yes and sometimes I have to admit it.... goals do get scored.

The hope I have in Christ is not like a crazy driver going down the road or the uncontrolled goaltender who has no hope of stopping the next shot.

It is also like the championship racer who who is driving over 2oo mph in a race and his goal is to drive as straight as possible. Even on the turns, the driver tries to drive a straight line.

My hope is just like the driver in a race or the goaltender on the ice, because Christ's promise is faithful!

Lord, my hope is in you. remind me every day to keep it straight on the path on the Adventure in Middle Grove.

ps. and help me stop those shots!

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