Monday, September 1, 2008

In Who Do We Trust

Yesterday I was working at a raffle table for the Backstretch organization and I had a good deal of money as ticket sales were brisk for the SMART car we had for a prize. I was counting the money at the end of the day and realized how many times a day people, including me, look at the back of a dollar bill, a twenty or a fifty, or a hundred and look at the words:

"In God WE Trust"

This is not something we even notice as we carry out our day to day business.

What if every time we took out a bill, we looked at it , turned it over and read and meditated on:

"In God We Trust"

What would happen if everyone in the country did this every time. God certainly would be honored if the God we honored was the God and Savior, Jesus.

What would happen if I did the same every time....

In times of Joy...

And Times of Sorrow

"On mine arm shall they trust." 
-- Isaiah 51:5

May I put my trust in God minute by minute

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