Saturday, September 20, 2008

Compassion of Jesus

"Jesus Wept" (John 11:35)

When I reexamine the compassion of Jesus and what it means to me, I am amazed at the level of care and concern Jesus shows in all his encounters with people. In this well known story, Jesus waits 4 days to go his his dead friend Lazarus.

What is striking is what Jesus does...

If it was me, I would:

Get everyone organized;
Find out where the tomb is located;
Ask someone to put something over my mouth, because it stinks;
Ask everyone to get out of the way because a big healing was going to happen.

What Jesus did...

He wept!

He certainly knew Lazarus was dead, he knew what God was going to do through him, but he was touched by the dedication and care of those around who knew and loved Lazarus.


Before he did the work of God, he emotionally connected to those around him BEFORE he did the work of God

What can I learn about the compassion of Jesus?

Even though he knew what was going to happen, he connected with those around him, and felt their pain before he did the work of God.

Help me Lord to continue to look at Jesus as the example of compassion. Let me be more compassionate in YOUR way, not mine.

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