Monday, December 14, 2009

Is this about Christmas?

Follow the way of love...

I Cor 14:1a

I have heard much over the past few months about Christmas.

It seems that Jesus up in heaven with a cosmic cash register praying that sales during the Christmas season are good or it will be a very BAD year!

It seems that "being in the black" is the main goal of the Christmas season and the guiding principles of Christmas are hoping that the "Jesus effect" has the most bang for the buck to get all the people out shopping.

It seems the success of Christmas has only a monetary result and nothing else matters.

Well, nothing could be farther from the truth.

The season is about the love of God for us and how the motivation for how we should take action in life.

Today, "follow the way of love" as you look towards the Christmas season on the Adventure in Middle Grove.

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